How to Survive Your Freshman Year at Ball State


Your first year at college can be scary and overwhelming. Ball State is a large campus, especially if you don’t know anyone yet. From wearing your lanyard around your neck to walking around campus with a map, everyone feels awkward their first year of college. With these tips you’ll make it through your freshman year with ease.

Find a core group of friends

When you first come to college you get overwhelmed about the fact that you have to start over and make new friends. I’m not going to lie, making friends is hard. Making an effort will help you in this department. Join an organization or a club to meet people. I joined my sorority and found where I was supposed to be. Every person is different, and at Ball State there are so many opportunities to meet new people so why not take them.

Get involved

If you don’t get involved you will regret it. There is a club or organization for anything that you might want to do. Do things that scare you and put yourself out there. If you want to write, start making a blog. If you want to play volleyball join an intermural team. Every major has stuff that you can get involved in. But remember, there is a thing as being too involved. I know that it is easy to get wrapped up in all of your activities. Make sure that you can put as much effort as you can into each activity that you are involved in or you won’t get the full experience.

Find a balance between your social life and academics

Once you find your group of friends, hanging out with them may sound more fun than actually doing homework. Try to remember that you came to Ball State to learn and gain an education. Finding a balance between the two will be your life saver. Sometimes it comes down to going to deciding not to go to the fun social and staying in to study. Deciding which one is more important to you will help (aka prioritizing).

Don’t feel bad for changing your mind

I have changed my mind plenty of times. I switched my major in the middle of my freshman year and it was one of the best decisions that I have made. Finding out who you want to be is part of the experience of being here. Even taking those dreaded core classes can help you find what you actually like to do. Some people may seem like that have their life all planned out to the T, but still don’t feel bad for feeling wishy washy about something. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Change your mind and do it while you still can here at college during your first year.

Watch out for the unhealthy food

I know that everyone has heard of the Freshman 15, and I can tell you that it is a real thing. It may not be actually 15 pounds, but gaining weight is not uncommon during your first year of college. The dorm food will get you with their endless supply of pasta and pizza, along with that late night Chinese food that you ordered last night (don’t deny it). I know that the Atrium seems like a wonderful place with the Chick-fil-A and Papa Johns, but watch out how much that you eat at those unhealthy places. Without realizing it you have ate pizza and fried chicken for 3 days straight. Sometimes sticking with sandwiches and salads suck, but it will be worth it in the end.

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